Kamis, 22 Juli 2021

Delta Variant Sparks Market Panic. But That’s Not the Whole Story…

July 22, 2021
Champion Trading Strategy: REVEALED!
Last year, stock market legend Chuck Hughes took a $4,600 starter account and turned it into $67,268.

This same strategy gave Chuck's readers the chance to go 20 years without posting a single down year.

It was clear to us that Chuck had managed to crack the stock market code — and we wanted to learn his secret. So WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott sat down with him for an exclusive interview and asked him to reveal his winning strategy…

And luckily, we got that conversation on tape.
Discover Chuck's Wealth-Building Secret
Delta Variant Sparks Market Panic. But That's Not the Whole Story…
I hate to say I told you so…

OK, that's a lie. I love it! But I should probably have been a little nicer on days like Monday where the delta variant stock market "crash" was causing some people — and the markets — to worry.

But I don't think climbing COVID-19 cases tell the whole story.

And I don't mean that an outbreak wouldn't have a significant impact on the markets, because it would. A massive upsurge in cases would be bearish for aggregate demand of goods and services.

But it's still way too early to tell how genuinely severe — or meaningless — an effect on the economy it will have.
Look at Data, Not Headlines
The Stock Market Is Selling Off. Here's How You Should Play it
Bad news, guys... It looks like our stock market sell-off happened this week.

Monday morning started off with a nasty surprise. There was a major sell-off in Europe, and U.S. stocks fell aggressively with the Dow Jones plummeting more than 800 points — that's almost the worst decline of 2021 so far. Oil and bonds tumbled as well.


This is all thanks to the rising concern of the COVID-19 delta variant. Investors fear that rising cases of this will slow the global economic growth we've been seeing. It's also causing them to question the sustainability of this reopening, and the recovery of the economy in the face of another wave of the pandemic.
Here's How to Trade It
"Thanks Roger; You have been a great teacher and Mentor to me!!!! Cheers!!!"

Sean B., M.D.

Options are a type of derivative security. An option is a derivative because its price is intrinsically linked to the price of something else. If you buy an options contract, it grants you the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying asset at a set price on or before a certain date. Similar to buying a stock, buying a Call Option gives you a long position in the underlying stock. Similar to shorting a stock, buying a Put Option gives you a short position in the underlying stock. Traders who buy options (Calls or Puts) are not obligated to buy or sell. They have the choice to exercise their rights. This limits the risk of buyers of options to only the premium spent.
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