Jumat, 23 Juli 2021

China Flooding Could Cause Another Massive Supply Chain Shutdown

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

Where Are Billionaires Putting Their Money?

July 23, 2021

Have you ever seen what happens when millions of dollars absolutely pour into random stocks?

For example, when billionaire George Soros bought 2.7 million shares of Peloton...

Its share price shot from $18 to almost $140!

That's a 690% jump from ONE man pouring some of his massive wealth into a random stock. And this wasn't a one-time occurrence.

Now if only there was a way to know when these billionaire moguls were going to buy into seemingly random stocks…

It's a good thing trading expert and Forbes contributor Adam Sarhan has found their secret...

Check Out the Details Here

China Flooding Could Cause Another Massive Supply Chain Shutdown

In my line of work (supply chain analysis), weather-related events can have huge, outsized effects on markets.

So when I saw the front page of The Wall Street Journal on Thursday, let's just say it got my attention.

China is currently being ravaged by storms in the middle of the country, and the pictures of the flooding are startling…

What's even more concerning is the potential impact on supply chains…

Let's Hope Things Stay Afloat

Why Bitcoin Is the Most Important Indicator for 2021

July 21, 2021

The only thing I found remotely interesting Wednesday was an article about the ultra-rich turning to cryptocurrencies, which comes after Bitcoin tanking in May. Will this signal a crypto crash recovery? And why do we care?

Continue Reading

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