Rabu, 21 Juli 2021

Autonomous Delivery Bots! Your Way In

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Autonomous Delivery Bots! Your Way In

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By Amber Lancaster

Dear Bold Investor,

Take a look at the future unfolding right now:

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That’s Uber’s food delivery startup — Serve Robotics — taking restaurant food delivery to the next level in city settings.

From groceries to online purchases, autonomous robotic tech in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is on the rise.

The next big step in robotic tech: the last mile. The final leg of a package or food delivery item from transportation to your doorstep.

The autonomous delivery revolution is happening. And one tech giant is making plans NOW to build an “army of delivery vehicles” that will change the future of home deliveries.

Before this happens, you can invest in robotic tech to ride the market’s 614% rise by 2030.

Autonomous Delivery Tech: Invest Today

The robots aren’t coming … they’re here!

San Francisco-based Starship Technologies provides autonomous robots to locally deliver food and packaged goods for stores and restaurants in a “faster, smarter and more cost-efficient” manner.

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So we’ve got Uber bots and Starship bots, but here’s the next big one.

On July 8, 2021, Amazon filed a patent that advances autonomous home delivery and will likely soon make it a mainstream reality.

Amazon’s take on the future of autonomous delivery services involves multiple vehicles instead of one.

According to their U.S. patent, the first, or primary vehicle, will be equipped with America 2.0 cameras and sensors to “generate and transmit instructions for causing secondary vehicles, such as personal delivery devices, to travel on selected courses and speeds.”

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Protocol, a media company that follows tech breakthroughs, sees this new tech as mind-blowing.

Per Protocol, imagine:

One car acting as a primary car, housing all the necessary equipment and sending commands to other vehicles that don't need all that equipment. The primary car could send a bunch of other cars off to do other deliveries. In the end, there's just a little army of autonomous cars being directed by one primary car.

The concepts and advancements in the autonomous delivery robotics market are astounding.

The global autonomous last-mile delivery market is expected to reach $84.7 billion by 2030 — a gain of 614%! This is a compound annual growth rate of 24.4%:

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ROBOTZ Opportunity for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Robotics with artificial intelligence (AI) was one of our original Bold Profits mega trends. And it’s earning its place on our list.

You will not want to miss the opportunity in this hot market. Here’s what I recommend:

To play the robotic delivery trend, buy shares in the Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (Nasdaq: BOTZ).

BOTZ is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that lets you invest in the companies that stand to benefit from increased adoption and utilization of robotics and AI.

It gives you exposure to a basket of stocks that you can profit from with the rise of the robots. And as the companies I told you about today continue to blaze the trail, BOTZ has the potential to soar.

These mega trends are here to stay and are prime examples of our America 2.0 forecast.

Invest now for the future is bright.

Until next time,
Amber Lancaster Signature

Amber Lancaster
Director of Investment Research, Banyan Hill Publishing

P.S. It’s a Tesla robot! Okay, it’s actually an electric vehicle, but that’s basically a robot on wheels! Well, we never stop looking ahead in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And Paul has his eye on one innovation that could send a Tesla across the country nearly four times — on a single charge! It’s 25X more powerful than any electric vehicle battery available today. Catch up on the full story and details about this opportunity here.

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