Jumat, 18 Desember 2020

Wall Street Confessions from an Ex-Floor Trader Turned Multimillionaire

Greetings Reader,

Even as 22 million Americans lost their jobs... 97,000 small businesses closed for good... and riots spread through every major American city...

Wall Street continued to rake in money:

  • Goldman Sachs brought in $10.748 billion so far.
  • JPMorgan brought in $29.94 billion.
  • Morgan Stanley brought in $11.7 billion.

Now, how have these firms done so well when the entire world is paralyzed by a pandemic?
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NOT by playing fair, I'll tell you that much.

The truth is that most of them are probably investing on restricted information.
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The kind of information that they're not supposed to have...

nformation that is powerful enough to make millions of dollars on a single trade.
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The problem is so widespread, it's not even a secret anymore.

In fact, a study by NYU's Stern School of Business found strong evidence that 25% of all trades are based on inside information.

The same study also said that the SEC was too poorly funded to go after more than just a tiny fraction of all inside trades.

Basically, the Wall Street firms can cheat as much as they want...

Using their political and business connections to make billions even as the rest of the country is struggling through an unprecedented crisis.

Is it unfair? Of course, it is.

But that doesn't mean you can't level the playing field...

And use Wall Street for your own financial gain.
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You see, one former floor trader made himself a millionaire by beating Wall Street at its own game.

He discovered an obscure 18-digit "code" that let him see when the hedge funds and investment banks were making incredibly lucrative trades. The kinds of trades that almost certainly had the benefit of inside information.

He realized it was perfectly legal to spot these moves and act on them - and take a slice of the profits.
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And has been teaching his followers all over the world how to use this exact strategy...

In as little as 30 minutes, 3 days a week.

More importantly for you...

He is FINALLY revealing his unique strategy to the public.

See all the details here.
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Bob Keppel
Publisher, Profit Pregame

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