Selasa, 22 Desember 2020

The Calm Before the Storm

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Liberty Through Wealth


This Is the Calm Before the Storm

Andy Snyder asked me to urgently send the note below to all readers. It's on a subject that he's passionate about. And if this is something he's concerned about then it's worth paying attention to.

- Allison Brickell, Managing Editor

When the November jobs report came out, it was a total disaster. One leading economist called it "the calm before the storm." And let me assure you... the WORST is yet to come.

For starters, the REAL number of lost jobs is much higher than they tell us. These jobs will NOT just come back, either. (See the proof HERE.)

No amount of stimulus can save us now...

We're on the verge of the biggest disaster in our nation's history.

The details are in the controversial new video I just released. (See it HERE.)


I urge you to watch it today – while there's still time to protect your family and your wealth.

Be safe,

Andy Snyder
Founder, Manward Press

P.S. What we're about to face will be far worse than the Great Depression. And unless you know the five steps you must take today, I worry you could become a sad statistic. Get the details HERE.

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