Kamis, 17 Desember 2020

A tasty investing alternative for 2021 and beyond

MarketBeat - Empowering Individual Investors to Make Better Trading Decisions

Good evening -

At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, grocery store shelves were depleted. Many restaurants created take-out options out of thin air. And all of it was available to consumers from their phones.

While conventional wisdom is that consumers will return to their normal habits as soon as possible, reality suggests something different. In fact, it’s likely that once consumers begin to change their behavior, they tend to stick to it. This means that many of the trends that have started this year will continue.

This makes food stocks a very intriguing trend for investors in 2021. This sector benefits when the economy is in a downturn. And no matter what happens in the election, the economy may not be as robust as expected.

But this is also a sector that is seeing a tremendous amount of innovation. One of the trends is towards plant-based products. But this is not just about the products. It’s also about where the products are sold and how the products are delivered to consumers.

And when it comes to consumers, there is a new generation of consumers demanding more sustainable products that contribute to the well-being of the environment. This is also a trend that is not going away.

With that in mind, we’ve put together this special presentation that identifies seven food stocks that you should consider adding to your portfolio. In addition to gaining exposure to this sector, some of these stocks present the opportunity for industry-beating gains.

View the “7 Food Stocks That Are Leading Through Innovation.”

Matthew Paulson


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