Minggu, 25 Agustus 2019

Meet your next President: The female Obama

Casey Research

Editor's Note: We are always on the lookout for cutting-edge financial news to share with you. Below is a message from our colleagues over at Stansberry Research that we found particularly interesting. We urge you to continue reading. 

Casey Daily Dispatch Reader,

You'll never believe who one expert believes will become President in 2020:


It's not Hillary... Elizabeth Warren... A.O.C. or even Michelle Obama.

It's someone even worse

And if she wins, she'll take away our freedoms and destroy our economy.

So if you were put off by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign... or couldn't believe how popular Bernie Sanders' socialist platform was — just wait.

This 2020 candidate will "out-liberal" anything you've ever seen.

A new, incredibly powerful hidden force will practically guarantee that she wins.

And the steps she'll take during her first 100 days in office will send our nation into one of the worst financial crises in history... creating a nightmare for Baby Boomers.

Get the full story right here.


Adam Wiederman
Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research

P.S. We've identified 3 initiatives that have already become the biggest talking point of the next election. Find out why this is a problem here.

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