Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Congress Approves Up to $447 Billion in "Consumer Bonuses" for 121 Million Americans

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Dear Reader,
I’m beside myself on this one.
The media is willfully ignoring perhaps the most important part of the new tax reform bill.
It’s a long bill.
Maybe they just didn’t feel like reading the whole thing.
But in Section 11042 is a piece of the law that could be very valuable.
It gives 121 million Americans the chance to receive a “consumer bonus” payment that maxes out at $3,700.
Better yet, this “consumer bonus” payout is something you can receive every year until 2025.
If you were to collect this money every year through 2025, we’re talking about a total maximum payout of $29,600.
As F.H. Buckley wrote in USA Today, “The bill is good news for most middle-class Americans.”
I’d say it’s great news!

Matthew Benjamin
Editorial Director, The Oxford Club
P.S. Unlike the media, we’ve done a full investigation of the tax code. And we’ve found 23 cash rebate programs hidden inside. Find out more exciting details on them, for free, here.

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