Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

Tiny start-up stuns Big Pharma, poised for 28,700% sales surge

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Dear Reader,

At this moment, a tiny $6 million start-up is celebrating a historic patent verdict, seizing control of what could be $97 billion in licensing fees.

The two-year battle was over a miraculous breakthrough Bloomberg calls "the discovery of the Century... that could change the world."

And when you see it in action, your jaw will drop. Check it out:

Not only could this discovery completely disrupt the $3 trillion healthcare industry - it could also transform everything from energy to agriculture to transportation and beyond.

And now, a tiny $6 million company is in the catbird seat, holding 40 registered patents, with another 500 patents pending.

A major announcement is expected in coming days...

Wall Street insiders have already grabbed up 80% of available shares. And Bill Gates, along with the geniuses at Google, has invested as well.

Go here now before you miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

To Your Success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

P.S. I forgot to mention: This tiny $6 million company has already secured key licensing deals that could generate a staggering 28,700% sales surge in the blink of an eye. Don't wait on this!

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