Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2017

Your download link's inside. Plus, a bonus gift just for you, Trader


I wanted to make sure I sent you your Candlestick Cheat Sheet download link via email as well in case you wanted to save it for later. 

Here's your link:

Word of advice: Star this email. That way, you can get your cheat sheet at any time down the road. 

I wanted to do one thing better for you too...

We have an Elite Traders Email List that I went ahead and added you to for free. It's just an extra thank you for checking out the ebook. 

Soon, you'll receive emails whenever major market moves occur, whenever we release a new ebook and even when we make new video lessons and events open to the public. 

Lastly, I know you're interested in quick-action tactics for higher returns. 

Now, if you haven't heard, for the past 22 years, we've been identifying time-sensitive market setups you could trade with our very own action plans as the market moves. Since January 2015, we've accurately predicted and taught traders how to trade setups that netted 16,000+ pips. Not too shabby, right?

Well, a new setup has just popped up on the charts. 

We're revealing everything you need to know:
- Entries
- Exits
- Stops
- Execution steps for cashing out on this trade

... At the next 3 webinars we're having.

Of course, your webinar ticket's on me, but you do have to RSVP in order to get your unique join link. 

I'll circle back with you in a few, after you've had time to read your ebook and attend the webinar. 

To your Forex Success, 
Jared Martinez
CEO and Founder
Market Traders Institute, Inc.

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