Kamis, 20 Maret 2025

Unearthed map shows Trump's big immigration head fake

See below for the latest prediction from our colleagues at The Grey Swan Investment Fraternity…

Dear Reader,

I guarantee you’ve never seen this map before…

Turn Your Images On

We actually had to dig it up from deep in the bowels of a certain three-letter agency in Washington, D.C.

Why was it so hard to find — even though it’s public record?

Because it illustrates a secretive bipartisan initiative to not just stop the flow of illegal migrants into America…

But actually send as many as 20 million of them back across the border, headed south.

Not at the point of a gun or under threat of prosecution — but of their own free will.

Far-left Democrats can’t publicly admit to being on board with this initiative…

And Trump and the Republicans don’t want to tip off the world to the super-weapon behind it.

But we’ve got the full scoop on all of it — including how fast-moving investors could profit up to 6,000% or more from this bold national security game plan.

To get full details, no strings attached, click right here.

Addison Wiggin
Grey Swan Fraternity

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