Publisher's Note: At Prosperity Research, our goal is to help our readers achieve financial freedom. So, when we see certain opportunities that may help some of our readers ... we pass them along (even if their opinion may differ from ours). That's why we encourage you to check out the opportunity below from our friends at Behind the Markets.
Prosperity Insider Nation,
While everyone's distracted by the recent stock market rally and Trump's tariffs...
There's a much bigger story that's flying under the radar for now:
Why are Warren Buffett, Ken Griffin, Roman Abramovich, the Koch Brothers, Carlos Slim and at least 100 members of Congress all going against "conventional wisdom?"
And why are they all piling into ONE overlooked corner of the stock market?
It's not crypto... gold... or options strategies.
Instead, it's a sector that will impact $85 trillion in global economic activity.
That makes it:
- 13-times bigger than oil...
- 6-times bigger than the digital economy...
- 7-times bigger than healthcare...
The last time we saw an opportunity of this caliber, stocks soared as high as 12,000% in three years...
Now it's happening again.
And there's ONE $20 stock that could hand investors a major retirement bump in 2025.
Click here for the ticker >>>
"The Buck Stops Here,"
Dylan Jovine, CEO & Founder
Behind the Markets
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