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Billionaires Warren Buffett, Stanley Druckenmiller, George Soros, and David Tepper have all sold off massive U.S. stock positions, including shares of Nvidia, Apple, and Bank of America. Billionaire Ray Dalio, who runs one of the world's most successful hedge funds, says, "Things are going to get worse for our economy." What are these billionaires so worried about?
There is a way retirees can collect thousands of dollars per month for the rest of their lives -- tax-free. Plus, this tax-free income source is 100% legal and approved by the IRS.
And here's the kicker: even if they don't have enough money put away yet for retirement... even if they're over age 60... they can still get thousands of dollars a month from this opportunity. Click here to find out more.
King Dollar Reclaims Its Throne Among Currencies
Bryan Perry explains why the U.S. dollar is still the king of currency for international trade...
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