Dear Reader,
Good morning,
Happy Tuesday!
Today, I want to talk about TikTok.

NVIDIA Bets Big on AI 2.0.
AI 2.0 is on the verge of revolutionizing a $1.4 TRILLION a year industry.
And the smart money is backing one tiny small-cap selling for just $11 per share.
Nvidia just bought 7 million shares.
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Get the name of this stock before it takes off.
First, I’ll tell you I fully support a TikTok ban or forced divestiture.
Here’s why.
I want to help you imagine something –
Imagine we’re at the end of this year, or the beginning of 2026…
Let’s say in the next 12 months… 8 months… 14 months…
All of a sudden the U.S. Pentagon, through its satellites, starts to see a massive Chinese military build up right on its eastern coast – 108 miles from Taiwan.
Now remember why Taiwan’s important – Taiwan makes the chips that make everything in our lives function, from our phones to AI to our F-35 planes.
Our whole system is based on semiconductors that come from Taiwan.
It’s like modern day oil. Critical to the functioning of our country.
Now, let’s say the Pentagon notices on a Sunday night a bunch of Chinese military ships and assets being moved over to that area, where it looks like they’re going to try to invade Taiwan.
Now, this is not a far-fetched concern.
People high in our government – admirals, defense secretaries, former defense secretaries, former congressmen – people are saying China’s going to do this…
Chinese President Xi Jinping says they’re going to do this by 2027.
Now, all of a sudden, as this is happening, TikTok flips a switch…
They start pumping out messages to the 200 million Americans on this thing.
And the messages look like this:
“Your government is lying to you. China is peaceful. America wants war.”
It starts hammering pro-Chinese Communist Party messages to hundreds of millions of people.
And at the very same time, talking heads acting on behalf of China – they start infiltrating…
These influencers start saying, “Why is America doing this? Why are we a warmongering nation?”
Even though it’s China who’s about to launch an invasion of Taiwan.
Now basically, what would happen is, since TikTok videos are easy to share across all platforms, all of a sudden, people would start sharing them on Instagram, Facebook, X, and all of a sudden Chinese propaganda would be pumping out pro-Chinese, anti-American messages.
And as the Pentagon is getting ready to defend Taiwan, because it has those critical chips…
Instead of us being unified in this mission, pumped full of pro-Chinese propaganda, we start fighting ourselves.
At the very moment when unity and show of strength is necessary.
People start calling it “fake news”… or saying, “People who believe we should defend Taiwan are sheeple.”
And we are now in an information war.
Throughout the history of war information has always been part of it –
You think of Iraq, American soldiers dropping leaflets…
You think of World War II, the Voice of America – radio stations telling people what’s going to happen.
But now, the information war moves at a speed and magnitude that has never been considered before.
So, through TikTok, China can infiltrate and post ani-American and pro-Chinese messages.
And let me tell you something – this is already happening.
Both sides do it.
The game is the game.
For example, right now Russia and China have vast operations here.
They create meme factories and try to pump out these little memes – “wedge issue memes” to get us fighting each other…
Transgender high school kids in sports, abortion, etc.
They get us fighting and keep feeding that.
Imagine Hitler had this kind of capacity in WWII, where when he invaded Poland or France he started pumping all this propaganda to Americans and we were so confused about what we should do we started arguing with each other, and while we were arguing they just completed their whole plan there.
So yes, TikTok represents a threat to national security.
You can’t have the Chinese government owning a mouthpiece that touches 200 million people and can get us to fight each other.
I support a forced sale of TikTok.
Not doing this is like not closing our southern border.
From an information point of view, you can’t let that happen. It’s just ridiculous.
I have forced my daughter off TikTok for this very reason.
I know kids are getting Chinese propaganda mixed in with everything else.
I’ve actually seen examples as they’ve come out.
So I just wanted to touch on this issue, why this is very important.
It’s a way for China to encourage us to fight amongst ourselves.
The United States is the strongest country on earth.
If we are united, nobody could defeat us. But if we are divided anybody could defeat us.
As Lincoln said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”
And that is the truth.
So I support this and hope it gets passed by the Supreme Court.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
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