First Day Of Trading For 2025 Stocks closed mixed on Tuesday, the last day of the year, with the big three indexes in the red, while the small-cap and mid-cap indexes finished in the green. For the year, however, they were all in the plus column with big double-digit gains. The Nasdaq was the top performer with 28.6%; the S&P 500 was next with 23.3%; the Dow was up 12.9%; followed by the mid-cap S&P 400 with 12.0%; and the small-cap Russell 2000 with 10.0%. No surprise that big-tech and the Magnificent 7 stocks led the gains last year. You can see that by simply comparing the market weighted S&P's 23.3% gain vs. the equal weighted S&P's 11.1%. But by the second half of 2024, the bull market began widening out. For example, in the first half of last year, the S&P was up 14.5%, while the small-cap Russell 2000 was only up 1.02%. But fast forward 6 months, and both indexes added another 9% to their tallies. The other indexes still lagged the S&P and Nasdaq. But they made up plenty of ground as the year went on. And the other indexes are expected to do much better this year. But I expect the S&P and Nasdaq to have another banner year as well. Having two back-to-back 20%+ years in the S&P (2023 was up 24.3%), bodes well for the upcoming year(s). It's a rare feat. The last time we saw the S&P do this was back in 1995-1996. (Prior to that, you'd have to go all the way back to 1954-1955.) But more impressive than the two years in a row of 20%+ gains back then, is what happened afterwards. In 1997 it was up 31.0%, in 1998 it was up 26.7%, and in 1999 it was up 19.5%. That's 5 long, glorious years of gains. Those gains were driven by the technology boom of the internet and dot-com companies. The parallel is that today's gains, in part, are being driven by another technology boom, this one being shaped by Artificial Intelligence (AI). And it looks like we could be on the cusp of another 5 years of gains, if not more. So, we could be in store for yet another spectacular year in 2025. You can further increase your odds of success in the new year by checking out our Top 10 Stocks portfolio. Since 2012, the Top 10 portfolios have more than QUADRUPLED the market. While the S&P 500 gained +475.6%, Zacks Top 10 Stocks skyrocketed +2,112.6%. This year's Top 10 picks will be released this morning (Thursday, January 2), at 11:00 AM ET. If 2025 is anything like previous years, get ready to watch the Top 10 Stocks soar. <a href=""style="color:#1d5eb5; text-decoration:underline;"><b>Click here to see the Top 10 Stocks for 2025</b></a> Kevin Matras Executive Vice President, Zacks Investment Research |
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