Dear Reader,
Today, I want to talk about Trump’s desire to buy Greenland.

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I was at a little Christmas get-together with some of my friends who are supposedly smart guys…
And they started laughing that Trump wants to buy Greendland…
Haha – you know how crazy he is. Why would he want to buy Greenland?
And it occurred to me that a lot of people think that’s funny but it’s actually quite deadly serious.
So today I want to start our week discussing why it’s actually a good idea.
One of the people at the party said, “I thought Trump was an isolationist. He wouldn’t want to do anything in foreign affairs…
“Now, he’s talking about the Panama Canal… about Greenland…”
Look, Trump’s gotta play the ball where it is, not where he wants it to be.
And the reason Greenland is so important is about China and Russia.
When you look at war games scenarios right now…
Let’s say between the U.S. and China… U.S. and Russia…
Our missiles have to travel across the Pacific to get to China. That’s a long way!
But what’s happening now is the Arctic is melting.
Now there are some flat earthers who still believe climate change isn’t really happening, but let me tell you something: it’s happening…
I never believed it, but Trump’s own defense department in 2018 came out and said:
Look – we’ve got to plan for a world where the Arctic is open – no more ice…
Where the top of the globe is clear and open. Climate change is happening.
When Trump’s military started to prepare for climate change…
For the Arctic ice to melt, that’s when I started saying, OMG – this is real.
So forget what he’s saying in public – his own military is planning for this.
Now, the reason this is important for Trump, the reason this is important for the United States, absurd as it may sound…
Is Russia and China have been creating stations in the Arctic.
They’re plowing through the Arctic’s weaking ice with ice cutters right now, starting to claim land.
Now, whatever country claims land at the top of the globe as the ice melts, the missiles they place there will be able to hit the U.S. a lot faster than our missiles crossing oceans can hit.
It’s a much shorter distance from the Arctic to the U.S.
And Russia and China have been really going out of their way to claim territory in the Arctic.
Trump doesn’t even have to be an expansionist; it’s really a defensive move, to keep mutually-assured destruction in-line…
Meaning they can’t attack us in two minutes knowing our response takes 10 minutes.
That’s not acceptable.
So each country is now trying to position itself for a future in which the Arctic ice has melted and no longer exists.
One of the reasons I support the war in Ukraine, and helping and defending Ukraine, is because it ties Russia down…
It keeps them in an area where they have less resources to keep sending ice cutters into the Arctic.
It’s part of The Great Game…
When you stand back far enough and look at the world, you see how The Great Game is being played by The Great Powers.
Then it becomes like a game of Risk.
You want to tie down your opponent and bleed them out in places like Ukraine.
So they have fewer resources to send ice ships to the Arctic and start building missiles and sites up there, which is happening.
Trump understands this.
By buying Greenland, we’d get access to a place that puts us at the top of the globe, which also means our competitors lose their missiles’ Arctic speed advantage.
If they want to hit us faster with missiles from the Arctic, we need to be able to respond to that.
So buying Greenland may sound preposterous, but the truth is, Greenland is governed by Denmark and is a neutral landmass.
So it is theoretically possible we could strike a deal with Denmark to get ahold of Greenland.
It has a very small population – just 100,000 people.
But the land mass is an important place for us to be able to defend our homeland.
So, to friends of mine who voted for Trump and are already sick to their stomachs in disbelief he’s an “expansionist”…
Look, this is defense.
It’s not offense, okay?
I’ll talk about the Panama Canal another day, but since the Greenland idea came up in conversation I thought, this sounds like something that needs to be addressed.
We’ve written reports on these types of issues…
All these war games scenarios that the Pentagon has been running against the potential conflict with China, which again, a lot of folks believe is coming in 2025 or 2026, or 2027 latest, which is what Chinese leader Xi Jinping announced himself.
That’s why so many people have been writing about it, ringing the bell… to prevent World War III.
Greenland is part of that…
If we don’t find a way to put missiles at the top of the globe like our competitors are doing, they’ll have an advantage over us…
They’ll be able to hit us with missiles before we can respond.
That’s not acceptable.
Now, Breakthrough Wealth is where we really focus our investments around these themes – especially the cutting-edge of defense.
I want to remind you, this is also our top-performing service of 2024, with a 62% average across all closed trades…
And that we’ve issued a temporary $500 credit toward a new subscription.
But this New Year’s Eve bonus ends tomorrow.
So don’t wait – claim your $500 credit now.
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