Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024

SPY on the Market: Getting Wealthy, Staying Wealthy

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SPY on the Market: Getting Wealthy, Staying Wealthy

by Hugh Grossman and Ahren Stephens


This new income loophole could pay your bills every month

There's a new way to collect huge monthly income in retirement called Big-Tech's secret dividend. But thanks to a brand new loophole... Tech titans like Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia can now pay you huge dividend yields up to 12%! It's the best income opportunity I've ever seen, and yet NOBODY seems to know about it. That changes today with my brand new special report.

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Many traders can make money. Few, however, are masters at keeping it.

There are as many different strategies for creating wealth as there are, arguably, for staying wealthy. Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway defined wealth as "the freedom to do what you want." Sounds like something we all could agree on, but how does one become and stay wealthy?

In our line, day trading options on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY), one would need to start with a good dose of optimism. A positive attitude makes earning money easier. There is something to the law of attraction, where if you expect great wealth, you are somewhat predisposed to getting it. Perhaps you are just fundamentally, unconsciously attuned to be more open to the opportunities and hence capitalize on the moments when they present themselves. I can recall the difference in my own trading when I was timid or apprehensive with placing a trade. To be clear, I have endured many losses due to my cowering under a losing trade. Seasoned DayTradeSPY'ers know all too well the many occasions the market provides enough to skim a little off the top, and therefore, enter with a winning confidence. Don't take my word for it. Look at any option chart to see the many price ranges for both calls and puts. It is no secret that, even if you traded a mere 20 contracts, spooning a nickel off the top on repeated trades, you could earn well in excess of $1,000 by noon.

I Can't Believe A Ticker Like This Exists

Years ago, I came across a stock market ticker…

One that has been my "edge" ever since…

I trade it over and over again, every week…

And thanks to this one ticker, I hit on 93.6% of my trades in 2023.

Here's how you can too.
Creating wealth involves concentration. Prudent long-term investment strategies often entail diversification, but to create great wealth quickly, simply focus on just one great instrument. Our one stock, SPY, covers the entire top 500 stocks. Become a specialist using our one outstanding scalping strategy and you should be able to ramp up your wealth swiftly. Our day trading strategies zero in on the end game with a laser beam focus. It's an approach that requires significant knowledge, strong conviction and a healthy appetite for risk. When you understand our system and simply pay attention, it is uncanny how quickly you can elevate your wealth.

Creating wealth also involves a high-risk tolerance. Traders need an active investment plan, often embarking on risks the passive investor would never consider. We trade options, dancing around volatility issues, time decay and rapidly changing markets. The slightest news can derail our trades, but through experience and solid money management techniques, we can guide our positions to profit, even if they detoured to short-term unrealized losses. Trading is not for the faint of heart but requires nerves of steel to weather the economic storms.

Now that you have earned it, keeping your great wealth is another story. Author Morgan Housel quotes: "There are a million ways to get wealthy… but there's only one way to stay wealthy: some combination of frugality and paranoia."

Where are the record-setting stocks going?

Wondering if you should be bullish or bearish on the S&P 500 for the remainder of the week?

Don't worry about "buying the news" or getting scared into selling when the A.I. can guide your way.

In other words, be rational.

The same A.I. that predicted the banking crisis, housing market crash, and Covid crash recently forecasted 2 massively bullish moves for Nvidia.

Join me LIVE to learn how we're trading this ticker with the #1 A.I. to find what to trade.
Once you have accumulated your cash in the options world, the focus needs to change to actually keeping your cache. Switch out your perspective to a more pragmatic, even somewhat pessimistic outlook. As we mature in our investing career, it may be better to reign in our resilience to market forces. Inevitably, investors will unintentionally avoid some good opportunities, but ultimately, it is about capital preservation. When you have achieved your accumulated wealth, diversification can, at that point, be an effective way to preserve your wealth by spreading the risk across a greater number of assets. Once there, consider lowering your risk tolerance and reduce your exposure. In my case, for example, I no longer have the financial need to invest heavily in options. I may buy only 10 or 20 contracts to stay mentally sharp and enjoy the game.

Both growing your wealth and keeping it requires different strategies and mindsets. Ultimately, it is the wise trader that can understand and apply the principles of each that will find long term success.

We discuss this and many other topics in our morning Trading Room. Enjoy the many benefits as you immerse yourself daily, 9:20 to 10:30 a.m., ET. No need to be an expert to join, but you may well become one. Click here for details and to subscribe.

Still unsure if options trading is for you? Join us at 8 p.m., ET, Sunday night for our weekly Intro to Trading / Week in Review. Click here to register.

Create great trades!

Hugh GrossmanAhren Stephens
Hugh Grossman and Ahren Stephens
Editors, Trading RoomPick of the Day, Inner Circle, and Signal

About Hugh and Ahren:

Hugh GrossmanHugh Grossman has manned the helm of DayTradeSPY for over a decade now. A self-taught trader, who turned master trader, has learned everything about trading the SPY (the SPDR S&P 500 ETF). Hugh has been guiding his subscribers of Inner CirclePick of the Day, DayTradeSPY Signal, and the Trading Room to daily profits since 2010.

Ahren StephensAhren Stephens has been studying the markets since his teens. He opened his first trading account at the age of 18 and has studied the stock market, forex market, and commodities markets for more than 20 years. Ahren is a licensed commodity broker, and was most recently an analyst at an award-winning, multi-million-dollar firm. With his knowledge he has been guiding his subscribers of Inner CirclePick of the Day, and the Trading Room to daily profits.
About Us:
Eagle Financial Publications is located in Rosslyn, VA. – Blocks from the Capitol. Our products have been helping investors build their wealth for several decades. Whether you’re a long-term investor or short-term trader, you’ll find the right strategy for you, including how to earn more steady income to spend now, preserve and grow your capital to enjoy later, and whatever other investment goals you have.
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