Minggu, 30 Juli 2023

Life-and-death stocks…

Dear Fellow Investor, Take a look at this remarkable group of stocks... Click To Zoom Every sin...

Dear Fellow Investor,

Take a look at this remarkable group of stocks...

Click To Zoom

Every single one of them sells things people absolutely need.

At the office, we call them "essential-service" stocks.

When you're buying into a business that gets constant revenue from services people will never stop paying for... you've got a huge advantage.

Take something as basic as electricity.

Nobody today is going to go without air conditioning in Arizona. It can literally be a matter of life and death.

And try spending a winter in North Dakota with no heat. No one wants to suffer through that.

The companies heating and cooling our country have been phenomenal investments.

They have been so profitable in fact, that our average total return is 659.6%. More than seven times our money!

What's more, they pay generous dividends... and they raise them constantly.

Reinvest your dividends in more shares... and before long you could be getting bigger payouts than what you started with.

I know, because we have two of the stocks in our portfolio right now are paying over 125% (and several more are close to triple digits as we speak)!

That means we're getting back more than twice our money in dividends every year than we put into the stock in the first place!

That's about the sweetest feeling an income investor can get.

Try it yourself here.

To your wealth,

Robert Rapier

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