Dear Loyal Reader,  | Earlier this week, I wrote you about a 100% gain we closed on ticker LVS, Las Vegas Sands. Using my scanners, I spotted an informal tipoff that news was likely to drop for the stock. It did on Monday and the stock soared. We were in and out of this trade in four days, with 7X better gains than trading the stock alone. Folks who rode it to the end made over 100%. By the way, this trade only cost you $26. Then boom, we had another signal in Google (excuse me — Alphabet) a day later. And within 24 hours, Google's stock was up, right on schedule. But here's the thing… You could've spent almost $10,000 to buy Google's stock and made oh … $100 or so. Or you could've followed MY trade to control the same stock for just $64 and made a 20X better percentage gain. These are the kinds of opportunities I share with my Trade Kings members EVERY week. As a member, you have the chance to jump on live calls with me FOUR days a week. In fact, we saw ANOTHER signal on Google where someone reserved the right to buy almost $10 million in the stock. You could've gotten into this trade for about 22 bucks. Yes, the same trade someone was willing to spend $10 million on could've cost you just $22. And within 24 hours this trade doubled in price. So you could've hypothetically doubled your money in a day. Or, you can just take the signals I sent out via email. The LVS and GOOGL trades were done that way. Just saying I give you NO SHORTAGE of ways to profit in Trade Kings. Will I see you in the trade room next week? Click here to join the Trade Kings revolution today.  Kind regards,  Andrew Keene Editor, Kings Corner (c) 2022 Banyan Hill Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This Newsletter may only be used pursuant to the subscription agreement. Any reproduction, copying, or redistribution, (electronic or otherwise) in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Banyan Hill Publishing. P.O. Box 8378, Delray Beach, FL 33482. (TEL: 866-584-4096) Legal Notice The mailbox associated with this email address is not monitored, so please do not reply. Your feedback is very important to us so if you would like to contact us with a question or comment, please click here: Remove your email from this list: Click here to Unsubscribe | | | |
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