A strange phenomenon is taking place in California…
At times, our affiliate partners reach out to the Editors at Online Investing Daily with special opportunities for our readers. The message below is one we think you should take a close, serious look at.
The most prominent case involves Elon Musk, the outspoken tech billionaire.
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Nunc risus risus, accumsan semper tempus nec, tincidunt id nunc. Curabitur bibendum scelerisque nisi. Duis at fermentum quam. Sed accumsan felis a risus ultrices sollicitudin. Proin scelerisque neque id viverra varius. Fusce rhoncus pharetra eros, sollicitudin hendrerit dolor porttitor ut. Morbi dapibus pharetra ligula, ac efficitur massa dapibus nec. Quisque eget pulvinar magna. Sed et justo id est tempus scelerisque vitae ut ipsum. Cras vel quam non magna euismod feugiat eget sed lacus. Sed faucibus vulputate faucibus.
In a surprising move, he sold all FIVE of his LA County Mansions and disappeared from the face of The Golden State.
Later, he was found living in a tiny shack in a barren corner of Texas,
But he's not the only one…
The 11th richest man in the world – Oracle founder Larry Ellison also "went missing".
Just like Musk, he ditched California for an "undisclosed location", taking his company with him…
And so did Dropbox CEO, Drew Huston, who fled Silicon Valley in November last year.
Vivamus non pretium est. Vivamus ullamcorper et erat sit amet pharetra. Nam cursus sodales lectus, vel porttitor tellus feugiat ut. Donec vehicula pharetra risus vel molestie. Vivamus et magna vestibulum, vulputate ipsum ut, sollicitudin nibh. Integer in scelerisque lacus. Aenean nec massa et nisi sagittis mattis. Praesent congue feugiat lectus, vel accumsan nisi eleifend at. Phasellus rutrum lectus eu odio blandit egestas in id ligula. Donec eu nibh quam. Sed vehicula ante non quam maximus, et laoreet felis tempus. Phasellus nec est nec enim mollis auctor sed ut nisi.
In total, over 140 tech billionaires and their companies vanished from California recently.
And the numbers are quickly increasing.
What's going on?
One of America's top tech investors, Jeff Brown, has discovered shocking information at the root of it all…
It has to do with a massive new trend taking our country by storm…
And soon, it will dramatically impact millions of unaware Americans.
The situation is critical. Your financial future could be at stake…
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