Hi, Reader. Luke Lango here. If 2022 has brought you any unease so far… If you’re worried about inflation eating away at your nest egg, a bear market impacting your wealth, or the ever-expanding gap between the wealthy and the rest of us in this country… You may soon have an incredibly rare opportunity to reverse all that. I call it a divergence event: a once-in-a-decade market anomaly where the share prices of some of the hottest stocks on the market drop below their “true price”… Just before shooting right back up and beyond for otherwise impossible gains. Don’t take my word for it – take a look at just a handful of opportunities that were created by the Divergence of 2008, based on our back-tested research: See what I mean? These are blue chip, household names like Apple, Google, and Amazon… And for a brief window of time, you would have had the chance to leverage those companies for the kinds of profits you normally don’t see outside small caps and cryptos. Here’s the best part: It’s happening again. And according to my research, the next divergence may be bigger and faster than any in history. So what do you need to do to take advantage? Just click here to sign up for Divergence Watch. Once it’s time, I’ll rush you an emergency Divergence Briefing, including my #1 divergence pick. Make sure you pay attention… I can’t know for sure, but my indicators are telling me that Divergence will be upon us in a matter of days… perhaps even sooner. Click here to get prepared. Sincerely, |
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