Dear Trader,
Welcome to the new and informative Market Navigator e-letter.
You had been receiving the Daily Deposits e-letter, but as times change and given millions of new traders have entered the market over the last year, education for readers like you must adapt as well.
My mission as a trader is to navigate markets applying a specific approach, which I've refined over the past ten years - hence the name of this newsletter, Market Navigator.
Three times a week, you can expect actionable trading education from me as I'll be teaching you about market specifics I'm watching - with a hyperfocus on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY).
You see, every day I approach markets with my "SPY Trade of The Day."
I put the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) into action by applying the leverage of SPY options, the exchange-traded fund, which reflects the S&P 500's price action.
And from now on, I'll be sharing my time-sensitive education and research with readers like you to determine a direction on the SPY So each day - you'll get the most valuable direction play on the world's most powerful ETF. That's my specialty and what I've been doing for 5 years.
The "SPY Trade of The Day" has become wildly popular with thousands of premium students over the years, and that's for a variety of critical reasons...
Tune back in on Monday and look for my email with the subject line "SPY Daily" and I'll break down those reasons.
In the meantime, please be sure to whitelist to ensure my educational material makes it to your inbox.
If you don't want to learn from me as I attempt to keep your stock market education multiple steps ahead of the Reddit Apes, promoters on social media, and the talking heads on television… simply unsubscribe:
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
Unsubscribe Keep an eye out for your first edition of Market Navigator! After the weekend we'll be trading the SPY.
I look forward to developing your education,
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