If for any reason you believe you received this email in error or if you no longer wish to receive these emails, click here to unsubscribe. Dec 30, 2020 White House Watch Image Source: Conservative Review
Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley just became the first Senator to say he will object during Congress's counting of the Electoral College vote on January 6th.
Hawley released an official statement Wednesday saying he will object during the upcoming meeting of Congress to certify the electoral votes, confirming Joe Biden's victory.
The Senator has expressed frustration over the fact that Congress has failed to at least investigate the allegations of voter fraud.
"I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January 6th without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws," said Hawley in his statement.
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Liberal Spin Control Image Source: The Gateway Pundit
A recent Senate investigation just revealed that the Obama administration was knowingly funding Al Qaeda in 2014, despite its connections to terrorism in the Middle East.
But, of course, the liberal media machine isn't touching the story despite the evidence.
This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative Be sure to check out the next edition of the newsletter for more News For Every Conservative!
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