If for any reason you believe you received this email in error or if you no longer wish to receive these emails, click here to unsubscribe. Dec 29, 2020 White House Watch Image Source: Redstate
It's always hilarious to watch Joe Biden go off script and totally ruin the liberal narrative he's supposed to uphold. It happened again recently when Biden talked about student loan debt forgiveness with The Washington Post.
In the interview, Biden accidentally told the truth about using a sweeping executive order to forgive such massive amounts of debt for college students and graduates in the US.
Progressives want Biden to wipe out billions in federal student loan debt held by millions of Americans with the stroke of a pen. But Biden confessed that the legality of such a move is questionable at best.
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Liberal Spin Control Image Source: OAN Newsroom
An analyst just revealed a disturbing discrepancy in the PA vote count, and the liberal media is totally ignoring it.
According to the data, just over 6.7 million voters participated in the 2020 election in the state of Pennsylvania. But over 6.9 million ballots were counted. That means there are enough phantom votes to flip the state's final count.
There's been no explanation as to how or why more ballots were cast than the number of people who voted. Remember, this is an analysis of the number of people who actually voted, not just registered.
Of course, the mainstream media isn't making any mention of this revelation. This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative Be sure to check out the next edition of the newsletter for more News For Every Conservative!
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