Dec 29, 2020
Note: At Brief Updates, we're always looking out for special opportunities we believe you'll want to see. Below is a message from our colleagues that we think you should check out.
Hey Fn,
In just the past few weeks, a number of strange events have begun to play out in the financial markets...
With almost ZERO fanfare or media coverage.
Here's what we're seeing:
Separately, these events all seem totally disconnected...
But together, they represent the rare market signal that one Finance PhD has been waiting for since stocks bottomed in March 2020.
Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is one of the most widely-followed analysts in the world, with over 500,000 people relying on his market predictions.
And he just issued a brand-new warning for what's coming to the stock market in 2021.
He says:
This is the calm before the storm – something big is brewing in the financial markets... And the decisions you make in the coming weeks could affect your wealth for the next decade.
Dr. Sjuggerud just teamed up with another big-name investor to get his new prediction into the hands of as many Americans as possible – before 2020 comes to an end.
Click here to hear his new prediction for yourself (free for a limited time). Regards,
Allison Comotto
Senior Staff, Stansberry Research
Delivering World-Class Financial Research Since 1999
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