| You are receiving this message as a subscriber of Trading Tips. This is a paid advertisement. Claims have not been independently verified. | | The Motley Fool | Bill Gates Says This Will Be Worth "10 Microsofts" I can’t believe so many investors haven’t heard about something Microsoft founder Bill Gates told a group of college students in 2004.
Speaking about a special type of technology that wasn’t around back then, Gates said if someone ever does invent it:
“That is worth 10 Microsofts."
Fast-forward to today, and someone finally has figured it out… yes, Bill Gates' wish has come true. And experts say the market opportunity is now far, far greater than 10 Microsofts.
To put that in perspective, that’s far greater than getting into Microsoft stock 21 years ago.
Microsoft stock has minted many millionaires since and, if you believe Gates (and why wouldn’t you?) it’s exciting to see that opportunity here again!
Bill Gates isn't alone. Top business leaders are beginning to wake up.
- Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, said he thinks this new technology is the key to Amazon's future.
- Sun CEO Greg Papadopoulos is calling it "a real revolution.”
- Even super investor Warren Buffett says that it will have a "hugely beneficial social effect.”
When so many successful people are all saying the same thing, it usually pays to listen.
I’ve laid out the full story on this incredible tech trend in a new report.
And you are going to want to see this report before you invest $1 on any tech company.
Because inside you’ll discover why some mega-rich investors are rushing to cash-in on this tech trend.
And you’ll find out how one legendary investor is preparing for this incredible opportunity. But if you want to get in on this opportunity, I encourage you to act quickly.
Because this technology could hit the mainstream any time.
here's to you and your family's wealth,
David Hanson Investment Analyst, The Motley Fool
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