Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

Cramer's crazy 2018 prediction for Apple

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The Motley Fool

Tiny Device in 200 Million Products by 2018

If you look closely at the picture above you can see the key to a $48.4 billion opportunity.

Because a tiny device is already taking the tech world by storm.

It's already powering products made by Google, Samsung, and LG...

And now, Apple has gone all-in with this tech with their new game-changing iPhone.

And the smartest minds on Wall Street are already sprinting to take advantage.

JPMorgan is urging clients to act immediately, "before iPhone mania begins in earnest."

Because one small American company holds the key patents to this remarkable tech.

And that means that this company rings the cash-register every time Apple, Google, Samsung, or LG (just to name a few) sell some of their most popular devices.

You don't need to be some kind of Wall Street wizard to understand what that can do for a company's stock price.

And this story is just beginning... Jim Cramer says that thanks to this tiny product "Apple should be viewed as a 2018 story."

But there's no need for you to wait until 2018 (when the name of this remarkable company is on everyone's lips) to find out the full story.

Because I've laid out all the details in a free video report.

And I hope you'll take a few minutes to see the full research on this developing story... and discover why we could be near a turning point.

Click below to get all of the details and the name of this stock poised to take-off.

Don’t wait until the name of this company is on everyone’s lips.

Here's to you and your family's wealth,

Rex Moore
Investment Analyst,
The Motley Fool


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Legal Information. Copyright © 1995-2018 The Motley Fool. All rights reserved. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley FoolÂ's board of directors. Rex Moore owns shares of Alphabet (A shares). The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Alphabet (A shares) and Apple. The Motley Fool has the following options: long January 2020 $150 calls on Apple and short January 2020 $155 calls on Apple.

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