Rabu, 06 Desember 2017

The Most Important Question for Investors

Trading Tips
The Real Key to Profits in Stock Trading
Long term investors and short term traders often spend most of their time deciding what to buy. But, before they buy, they should consider what will make them sell.


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In our newest article we look at ways to handle both winning and losing trades and present a variety of ways to handle that selling decision.

Check it out...

Losing trades are often easy for investors to handle. Some will sell whenever a position shows a loss, following a stop loss discipline. Others will double down and buy more believing the stock is at a bargain level. At least a few will freeze and hope for a recovery without a plan.

In this article we consider why the sell decision is so important. The truth is stock trading is difficult to do and it’s only by selling in some cases that investors can attain their goal of beating the market.

The article covers:

• The math behind losses and why it’s difficult to beat the market if you suffer a loss of more than 50%.

• How technical analysis can be used to help make sell decisions.

• How the stop loss rule can be modified to make selling decisions for winning trades.

• How fundamental analysis can be used to help make selling decisions.

• A simple selling strategy that compares an investor’s stock to the overall market to define when the stock should be sold.

And more.

Read it here...

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