Dear Trader, I'm about to let you in on a little secret. A secret that's not really a secret, but a little-known trading trick that could help you rake in some serious profits in a matter of hours! I'm talking profits like $1,589, $1,688, and even $2,710! Best yet, you can do it while you sleep. How? By tapping into a trading trend that very few traders know about, even though Wall Street insiders have been using it to profit for years! But a small handful of "in-the-know" traders have already leveraged this trend to grab some fast profits on overnight trades. And I'm about to spill the beans and show you how you could potentially make thousands of dollars while you sleep. In fact, my own members have seen a 791% cumulative gain on this trading strategy in 2017 alone! Welcome to the world of "algo" trading! We've all seen those images of excited traders screaming and yelling on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. It all looks so crazy. But it's mainly an act. Because what Wall Street doesn't want you to know is that for the past few years, the majority of trading has been quietly moving off the raucous trading floors. And trades that once took a minute to make are now happening in a fraction of a second - faster than a blink of an eye. You may be surprised to learn that less than 20% of all U.S. market trades actually happen on the floors of the exchanges. That's right... less than 20%. So where is most of today's trading happening? In a trading world known as high-frequency trading. Or the "algo" market, as it's sometimes called. In this trading world, computers make the majority of U.S. market trades in just split seconds, using complex algorithms to help them predict stock movement. These trades are done at blinding-fast speed, on huge computers programmed by math wizards. They often happen in the evening hours long AFTER the noisy brokers go home. I'm talking about a billion trades every day - all happening in the blink of an eye. But the good news is that you don't have to be a computer whiz or even a high-frequency trader to grab your chance to make some serious money in this fast trading world. You just have to be an Overnight Trader. I'll tell you how you can become an Overnight Trader in just a minute. But first let me tell you more about this secret "overnight" trading method. And how you could use it to make some serious "speed" cash.  The Next Generation of Options Trading! As you may guess, this secret world of high-frequency trading is considered one of the biggest contributors to the recent increase in market volatility. And it's also been linked to some of the trading glitches the market has experienced in the last few years. But if you know just how to play this trend, you can make a small fortune - in as little as 8 hours! Just take a look at just a handful of the recent profits my members have seen: - $2,710 in profits on VanEck Gold Miners ETF puts. Buy 20 contracts for $1,550. Bank $4,260.
- $1,635 in profits on General Motors calls. Buy 12 contracts for $1,254. Bank $2,889.
- $1,417 in profits on Apple puts. Buy 5 contracts for $1,180. Bank $2,597.
- $1,589 in profits on Newmont Mining puts. Buy 9 contracts for $936. Bank $2,525.
- $1,688 in profits on Home Depot puts. Buy 5 contracts for $1,444. Bank $3,020.
That's $9,039 in pure profit from just five trades! The best part? All of these trades were closed in just two days or less! This is one of the easiest ways for an individual trader to make great money on the market. It's perfect for traders who want to protect their capital and target fast profits. And until midnight tonight, you can save a bundle with this special offer... Take your trading into the 21st century with Overnight Trader! Until midnight tonight you can get in for way, way less on my Overnight Trader. While this service typically runs $195 per month, given each overnight option recommendation has the potential to double your money in as little as 8 hours, when you join today, you won't have to pay $195 - not close! You pay just $4 for a full month of overnight option recommendations - an average of 4 recommendations in all. That's right, Trader! That's just $4 for 4 trades! And like you saw, with each trade you have the potential to make literally THOUSANDS in extra cash. Don't let this amazing profit opportunity pass you by!  Want to know a little more about how this trading strategy works? Read on! Three Simple Trading Rules to Maximize Your Return in Today's Market! If you want to profit from the "algo" Wall Street where computers make the trades, and where much of the trading now occurs overnight, then you'll want to follow these three simple trading rules: Simple Trading Rule #1: Play the Bounce (or Plunge) and Capture Easy Profit Overnight As an Overnight Trader, you can target big gains literally overnight, and you can do it 4 times each month! You just have to follow three simple investing rules. The first rule is: "Play the Bounce (or Plunge)." "Play the Bounce (or Plunge)" means paying close attention to trendlines and potential levels of support or resistance - which often lead to a quick stock move in a particular direction. That's exactly what happened when my subscribers made 175% gains on VanEck Gold Miners ETF puts in a single trading day. When I made the recommendation to purchase the puts, the stock was sitting just below its 20-day moving average - a trendline that had acted as support in the past, but which I knew could work as a point of resistance in the near-term. Plus, the stock had heavy call open interest just above its current price level - another potential source of resistance. Additionally, comments from Mario Draghi about European monetary policy suggested potential downward pressure on gold and gold miners. After seeing these various sources of resistance - and noting low VanEck Gold Miners ETF option prices - I recommended that investors buy the puts. The next day, my subscribers closed out their VanEck Gold Miners ETF puts for a whopping 175% gain! You could have purchased 10 contracts for $775 and cashed out with $2,130 the very next day - that's $1,355 in pure profit. Or you could have purchased 20 contracts for $1,550 and cashed out with $4,260 the next day. So you would have raked in a tidy $2,710 in pure profits! And that brings me to the second rule of trading, which is... Simple Trading Rule #2: Protect Your Capital ...While You Enjoy Your Free Time With short-term trading, your capital exposure is limited to just a few hours, so you don't have to sweat bullets while the market tosses your stocks back and forth like a tennis ball for weeks at a time. You can protect your capital by getting in and out in just a matter of hours. Take my Halliburton play in September for example, when I recommended that my subscribers buy a Halliburton call option on a Tuesday. By the time we left the office on Thursday, I recommended that they close out their trades for a fast 81% gain. If you had invested 10 contracts for $1,145, you would have pocketed $2,037 in just two trading days. That's a cool $928 in profits. And if you would have bought 20 contracts for $2,290, you would have pocketed $4,145! That's a cool $1,855 in profits! That's why as an Overnight Trader, it's amazingly easy to protect your capital. You're in and out of the market in just a few hours or days. With Overnight Trader, you put that short-term volatility to work for you. Your money is in and out of the market fast. So instead of clutching your stomach as you watch your stocks swing wildly back and forth, you could be raking in big gains with just a few short hours of trading. And that brings me to the third rule of trading, which is... Simple Trading Rule #3: Freeze Time to Receive the Most Bang for Your Trading Buck As an Overnight Trader, every recommendation you receive will be 1 to 7 days out from its expiration. Some will be weekly options and some will be monthly options. But every option will expire in 7 trading days or less. And I'll close out at least part of every trade I make in Overnight Trader on the very next trading day. Why the short time frame? Because by closing out the trade so quickly, you can in essence "freeze time." Let me explain. As you probably know, options lose value as time passes. It's called time decay. And the longer you hold an option, the more time decay eats into your premium - and thus your profits. But time decay does not affect your option premiums when the market is closed. So as an Overnight Trader, you can in essence "freeze time" - and take advantage of all the profit potential that overnight volatility presents...with absolutely no downside. You can buy options that let you profit big from overnight market moves...without having your profits eaten away by time decay - or a market that moves against you. Let me give you an example. At 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon on a Wednesday, I recommended my subscribers buy a put contract on VanEck Gold Miners ETF. The price? A paltry $183. By 9:34 a.m. the next trading day, my subscribers made a quick 59.1% overnight gain on their GDX put. The ETF had dropped 3% while the markets were closed that night. But if they'd waited until the close of the market to exit that GDX put, the 59.1% gain would have shrunk to 43.7%. That would've been 16% less profits had they waited just a few more hours to close that trade! That's why it can pay off to "freeze time" when trading. By now I hope you can see why smart-money traders are shortening their time frames when trading.  Take Advantage of the Next Generation of Cyber Trading... and Put Overnight Market Moves to Work for Your Portfolio Today! Now let me be perfectly clear here - I'm NOT suggesting you ONLY have overnight trades in your options portfolio. When you need more time for your move to play out, you need to stick with a longer trading time frame. But there are times when trading overnight makes sense - particularly when all the signs show that a stock is about to make a significant, quick bounce (or plunge). And to successfully play the bounce (or plunge), you need a reliable set of short-term indicators. Indicators that allow you to select winning trades based on a price forecast of 8 trading hours or less. Proprietary indicators like the ones I've developed over the past 36 years here at Schaeffer's Investment Research. The kind that can make you $9,039 in pure profit from just five trades! Now one of the really great things about being an Overnight Trader is that you don't have to invest a lot of cash to target big profits. Many of my trade recommendations will cost around $500 or less to enter. Now that doesn't mean I'll NEVER send you a trade that costs a bit more to get in. Some will be more expensive. After all, I would hate for you to miss out on a really hot profit opportunity just because it costs a bit more. And remember, with Overnight Trader, you are in and out of the market in as little as 8 TRADING HOURS. I'm talking one trading day here. And every trade targets up to 100% gains. So an overnight investment of $1,000 could generate a $1,000 in extra cash in no time at all. Now $1,000 might not sound like much. But if you were to do that four times this month, you'd have an extra $4,000 in cash pretty quickly. If you were to do that every month, you could have up to $48,000 in extra cash in a year's time. And here's the really great thing about my Overnight Trader: Because you're in and out of every trade by the next trading day, you can "recycle" your trading capital over and over again - flipping it from one trade to the next - and potentially generating bigger and bigger gains each time. It's the old "power of compounding" secret. And you could use it to turn a little bit of money into a big sum of money - making just a few trades a month. It's why long-term buy-and-hold investors get crushed, while savvy options traders can make out like bandits. Because long-term stock investors end up pouring more and more money into stocks - then suffer as they watch them skyrocket up and tumble down as a result of this market environment. But as an Overnight Trader, you're in and out of your trades in a matter of hours. So if you double your money one night, you can turn right around and put that money back to work in your next trade. Only you could have twice as much to work with! It's the secret to making fast and furious profits. You just keep applying your profits from one trade to the next to potentially build up a small pile of cash. Now I will point out that you won't be able to compound your profits on every trade. Because sometimes this powerful strategy delivers gains like the 126% profits my subscribers made on Home Depot puts, but there are also times that the move doesn't play out as expected and we have to cut our losses short. Yes, there will be losing trades. That's the way it is when you trade options. You'll have winners and losers. But remember... the most you can lose on any single trade is the amount you invested, while your potential gains are unlimited. It only takes a few big winners to more than overpower any losing trades that you have along the way, which is one of the reasons why I love options trading so much. And it's also why I don't recommend reinvesting every penny you make. It's always good to take some cash off the table from those big winners and stash it away for a rainy day. The bottom line is that my Overnight Trader service gets you in and out of trades in as little as one trading day. So the potential to compound your profits is huge. And your potential for savings is huge too, if you act quickly! Overnight Trader regularly retails for $195 per month. And that's a huge bargain when you consider that each trade has the potential to double your money overnight! But when you join Overnight Trader with this special offer, you pay just $4 for a full month of recommendations. And you receive an average of 4 option trades over the next 30 days targeting up to 100% gains - each closing in as little as 8 trading hours. That's just $4 for 4 HOT trades! Why am I making this incredible offer? Because I know that once you see the kind of gains you can make as an Overnight Trader, you'll be hooked...and you'll want to continue receiving my Overnight Trader recommendations month after month. Start targeting big money gains by trading options overnight today! It's easy with Schaeffer's Overnight Trader!  Top 10 Reasons to Join Schaeffer's Overnight Trader Today #1: Designed to Deliver Double-Your-Money Profits While You Sleep - Every single Overnight Trader option recommendation targets gains of up to 100% in as little as 8 hours! #2: Protects Your Cash with Fast-Turnaround Trades - As an Overnight Trader, you can invest in many trades for just a few hundred dollars each, and you'll keep that cash in the market for just hours or days. #3: Lets You Reinvest to Compound Your Investment - As an Overnight Trader, you are in and out of the market fast - so you can reinvest your profits (or cut your losses short) almost immediately! #4: Lets You Take Full Advantage of the "Algo" Trading Environment - Take advantage of the growing number of big overnight market moves to avoid time decay and maximize your profits! #5: Simple to Trade - Overnight Trader keeps it simple, only recommending straight option calls and puts. #6: You Receive 4 Chances to Profit - with an average of four Overnight Trader recommendations over the next 30 days. #7: Receive Detailed Research on Every Trade - For each new trade, I'll shoot you an email containing a link to both an easy-to-understand trade recommendation and a trade commentary. Just click on the link for the specific option recommendation, as well as greater insight on why I think this recommendation is poised to deliver gains of up to 100% or better. This link gives you immediate access to trade details including commentary and graphs and also technical, sentiment, and fundamental indicators and parameters. So, you always have the information you need - showing you exactly why I expect the trade to deliver. #8: I'll Tell You When to Close Your Trade by the Next Trading Day - You'll receive email instructions telling you how to close out each position, so you're never left wondering what to do. You just sit back, place the trades, and wait for further instruction. #9: Everything You Need to Know to Make Money Overnight - Your Overnight Trader handbook gives you detailed money management guidelines, so you can easily trade options overnight while maximizing your profit potential and minimizing your risk. #10: You Can Give it a Try for Just $4 - Join Schaeffer's Overnight Trader before midnight tonight and get a full month for just $4. That's an average of 4 trades for JUST $4!  Work Smarter, Not Harder So now that I have shown you how simple it is for you to target fast, easy money with options while you sleep, you have to ask yourself... Do you want to work "easy" for your money in this high-frequency market environment...and use it to rake in profits like $1,635, $1,417, and $2,710 in just one trading day? Or do you want to keep ignoring the opportunity to potentially pocket some serious cash overnight from the rise in "algo" trading? Remember, it costs you only $4 for the chance to sleep a lot better at night...knowing you have the opportunity to double your money by the next morning. But you need to hurry! This special subscription offer ends at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! So why not sign up before you go to bed tonight... and start working on earning those profits while you sleep? Yours for bigger profits, more often, Bernie Schaeffer Chairman & CEO Schaeffer's Investment Research 5151 Pfeiffer Road - Suite 250 Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 - USA 1-800-448-2080 International 1-513-589-3800 P.S. This simple "algo" trading trick can help you rake in cash like never before. Don't sleep on this offer, and miss out on your potential overnight profits! |